Saturday, August 31, 2019

Environmental problems caused by gold mining and treatment

Gold Mining inevitable damage to the environment, to induce a variety of negative effects of geological environments. Currently, the shortage of resources, population growth, environmental pollution and other issues facing humanity increasingly prominent, visible, in-depth study of mining development and its negative effects induced comprehensive treatment is necessary, its far-reaching.Gold mining-induced negative effects of geological environment, gold mining-induced negative effects of water environment, gold mining-induced negative ecological effects, so eople must be the comprehensive management of the gold mining environment. First, you can adopt Vertical Roller Mill for Slag Grinding tailings produced a comprehensive recycling, making people get the maximum benefits. Help people refine utilization of valuable metals or other components. Because many abandoned gold ores and tailings contain some Cu, Pb, Zn, etc. the use of advanced technologies and integrated approach can recla im this part of the useful elements. One thing is very important that we must understand a lot of the equipment operating rocedures, these appliances and equipment for the treatment and long-term use of the latter part of the environment are very useful. For vertical slag grinding it can refer to the Depth study of occurrence can mine ore, and mechanical properties, and the impact of construction on the mine, predicted negative effects caused by mining to prevent rock moves in the mining process.Already collapsed, sliding rock should be reinforced or filled to prevent it expand. Help restore the ecological balance. When on the selection of mining on the environment more friendly Gold Separation Equipment, in order to mine the aste caused due to mining should be integrated governance, multi-level integrated approach to achieve the waste land reclamation standards, planting plants, recovery ecological balance.Mining is a mineral resource development process necessary means insurmounta ble, how to reduce the negative effects of the mining process, the development of the mine has effects arising from the comprehensive treatment is necessary, its far-reaching. So, should further strengthen the process of gold mining induced geological environment and its negative effect of Integrated Management of work.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Animal Farm: The Meaning of Equality Essay

In George Orwell’s Animal Farm, he examines the impact of communism and the post-war anxiety of World War II. Orwell uses allegories to thoroughly explain the pain and worry following the clash between countries. He uses farm animals and a farm to represent the major events and figures in the time of Stalinism and the Soviet Union. The animals want to â€Å"get rid of man† (Orwell 30), and man stands for capitalist society. Communism, or â€Å"Animalism† as the animals call it, starts out as a society of equals, but gradually mutates into a dictatorship. The leaders created a dystopian world where everything they had planned took a turn for the worse instead of the originally planned utopia. All of the animals (except for the pigs/leaders) ultimately lose all of the power they believed they had gained. Post-war anxiety plays a large role in the novel, Soviet Russia, and around the world. In the years following WWII, America was constantly in fear of Russia bombin g them and Russia was afraid that America was going to invade. In Animal Farm, the animals wake up every day with the anxiety of the humans coming back to retake the farm. The humans (both Mr. Jones and the owners of other farms), on the other hand, are afraid that their animals will follow suit and revolt against them. Russell Baker explains how Orwell experienced the war first hand and how he believed that the decent people of Western Europe were being tricked into thinking that Soviet reality was remarkable in his â€Å"Preface† of Animal Farm. Orwell called the book a fable, but it is also a â€Å"satire on human folly† (Russell vi) and has numerous lessons for human morality. Post-war anxiety was tremendous in both the ‘50s and the 60’s and George Orwell found this out when he went searching for a publisher. Stalinism and the Soviet Union were so popular that neither British nor English publishers wanted to hear any criticism of his ideas. It seemed like the West had readily put on blinders because of the defeat o f Hitler’s army. Everyone had a great deal of praise for the Soviet Union and its forces. Stalin and his political system significantly benefited from all of this. Orwell marched to the beat of his own drum and has an â€Å"insistence on being his own man† (Russell ix). The preface to Animal Farm helps the reader understand why Orwell developed such a candid critique of Stalinism. Although he was a socialist, Orwell believed that Stalin and his comrades perversely transformed the meaning of socialism and equality. Without reading the â€Å"Preface†, one would assume that this novel is simple and childish. George Orwell hid his disgust in the political terror and totalitarianism going on in Russia at the time behind the many farm animals in his novel. In addition to the â€Å"Preface† by Russell Baker, C.M. Woodhouse tells the reader that the novel was offered to the general population in the same month as the atomic bombs dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the â⠂¬Å"Introduction.† Woodhouse goes on to explain that this â€Å"fairy-story† (Woodhouse xix) has a moral, and teaches us lessons about life. It does not take place in our world, but in a world beyond. The fairy stories are set in a place without good and evil. Woodhouse believes that Orwell has brought back the words equality, democracy, and peace. All of these words have been deceitfully changed into â€Å"shibboleths of political warfare† (Woodhouse xxii). Woodhouse also explains that it is impossible for those that have read Animal Farm to not regularly think about the fact that some people are more equal than others. He goes on to say that George Orwell’s novel may not alter the course of history in a short amount of time. It could take decades more for his novel to contribute to the world. What we do know is that Orwell successfully predicted the future of Stalin, the Soviet Union, and his ideas. George Orwell’s legacy as a prophet will undoubtedly carry on for the rest of time. Post-war tension plays a large role in Animal Farm, and represents the tension that was present around the world in the ‘50s and ‘60s. The leaders of the farm instilled fear in the animals, as did the leaders of Soviet Russia to their citizens. In the novel, the animals constantly have the fear that the neighboring farms are going to attack them and vice versa. Their apprehension forces them to go along with Napoleon’s ideas because the ideas give them a false sense of security. Napoleon also develops an anxiety that involves his fear of counter-revolutionaries, or people that want to overthrow him and the farm’s new ideals. Both Napoleon and Stalin executed everyone who didn’t have the same â€Å"morals† as them. They both purged their countries of people that they considered as enemies. These mass executions set a miserable, melancholic tone amongst all of the citizens of both Animal Farm and Russia. Both revolutions morphed and the â€Å"children† of the revolution became everything they hated. The tension and anxiety came from fear of attack, mass murders designed by the leaders, and a society where everyone was supposed to be equal but some were â€Å"more equal than others† (Orwell 133). The three pigs in the novel, Squealer, Snowball, and Napoleon, all represent tyrants from Soviet Russia. They each attempt and succeed at instilling fear in the other animals on the farm. Snowball is intellectual, passionate, and also considerably less devious than Napoleon. Although Snowball gains loyalty, trust, and respect from the other animals, he still creates a hidden sense of fear within the nation. His ideas and speeches are confusing to the animals, but they accept them without knowing what they mean exactly. On the other hand, the other pig creates fear directly. The other pig is Napoleon, and he uses his trained watchdogs, which are his military force, to consolidate power and frighten the other animals. Napoleon is a despot in every sense of the word. He even chases off his counterpart, Snowball, using his military. When Snowball and Napoleon disagree about building a windmill, Napoleon sets his dogs loose and has them â€Å"[dash] straight for Snowball† (Orwell 67). Snowball encounters a close brush with death, until he escapes. This situation greatly troubles the other animals, and Napoleon is basically letting them know not to cross him or else they will be sentenced to death. Squealer, although not as significant as the two leaders, is the epitome of those in power who use speech and language to twist facts and gain control of society and the government. Squealer spreads Napoleon’s propaganda and justifies everything Napoleon says by using false truths. Squealer became so persuasive that many of the animals â€Å"accepted his explanation† (Orwell 72) about why Napoleon was now for the windmill without asking any questions. Overall, Snowball, Squealer, and Napoleon are allegories for different leaders in Soviet Russia. They use techniques such as propaganda, military force, and persuasion to instill fear in the animals on the farm. There are parallels between Orwell’s Animal Farm and the ugly truth behind Soviet Russia. Stalin, a cruel and overbearing leader, used all three of these techniques to achieve his overall goal of controlling the country. There are extreme parallels between Animal Farm and the reality of Soviet Russia. In both Soviet Russia and on the farm, tension was great and the leaders instilled fear in their citizens. The article â€Å"Stalin’s Revolution† on explains these parallels in depth. Stalin, like Napoleon, launched a â€Å"campaign to build up† ( his communist union. Stalin gained the support of the country by saying that everything would get much better if he was the leader. This was also Napoleon’s tactic. Joseph Stalin was an extremely paranoid man, as was Napoleon, and thought that everyone was conspiring against him. Napoleon used a mass execution to â€Å"purge† the farm of the animals that he saw as traitors. Stalin also did this. In 1936 he persecuted and executed an extreme amount of the citizens that he considered threats to his administration. In both cases the inhabitants of the areas were put on trial, but the trials were nothing but a sham. They were forced to confess their alleged crimes, and then were sentenced to death. Although communism was supposed to create a society of equals, it instead made even more social divisions. Both Russia and the farm experienced the fact that some people are just more equal than others. All of these facts led to â€Å"rising political tensions† ( around the world. Although the tyrants of Russia, or in this case the animals of the farm, had not tried to devise a schemi ng plan to take down the citizens of their country, this is what they ultimately accomplished. Stalin and his followers seized the power away from the working class. Just as Stalin tried to turn Russia against capitalism, the leaders of the farm try to turn the animals against humans by telling them that the â€Å"only good human is a dead one† (Orwell 59). Although at first they stood for pure equality, they soon seemed to stand for the notion that some people are more equal than others. Orwell explains how detrimental Stalin and his cause were to Russia by using animals as an allegory and explaining the idea of communism in more simplistic terms. The leaders of Animal Farm fill the â€Å"worker† animals with fear just as Stalin and his comrades instilled fear into the working class of Russia. The animals were inspired by this idea of everyone being equal and this ultimately encouraged them to go along with the dictators’ ideas. At first, all of the animals supported the idea with their own free will but eventually only support it out of pure terror. Anxiety of the characters in Animal Farm closely matches up with the concern of everyone in the world post-WWII. Works Cited Baker, Russell. â€Å"Preface.† Animal Farm. By George Orwell. New York: Signet Classic, v-xii. Print. Orwell, George. Animal Farm. New York: Signet Classic, 1996. Print. â€Å"The Flow of History.† FC130B: The Communist Dictatorships of Lenin & Stalin (1920-39). Web. 04 Dec. 2012. . Woodhouse, C.M.. â€Å"Introduction† Animal Farm. By George Orwell. New York: Signet Classic,1996. xiii-xxiii. Print.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The psychological aspects of transgenderism Research Paper

The psychological aspects of transgenderism - Research Paper Example In this case, the book presents a significant interpretation of opportunities based on the data gathered during the research. The book offers findings from tracking of gender identity based on individual and groups; in fact, this tracking commenced in childhood, thereby leading to identification of these participants as transgender. The books explores the feeling of different participants due to their gender, thereby seeking to unveil factors that makes them developed a feeling of uncertainty regarding their gander identities. In addition, the book covers factors that facilitate embracing their transgender identity and the effort they make to meet other transgender people (Beemyn and Rankin, 232). The books present the form of discrimination and harassment that these transgender individuals are subjected to, especially in U.S and psychological charge of living in fear and secrecy. The book gathers ideas to support the notion that transgender people are increasingly subjected to viole nce, social and economic challenges, despite their discovery and recognition by the public, through rights movement; in fact, this book offers information that is supported by human testimony, thereby introducing plans for future research. â€Å"The Transgender Child: A Handbook for Families and Professionals† by Brill Stephanie and Pepper Rachel is a guide to assist parents in bridging gap in relationship with their transgender and gender-variant children. Moreover, this books is developed on research and ideas gathered from other authors based on experience (McElroy, 1). In this case, this book offers an overview of issues, ranging from health care to discussing issues with their transgender children. On the other hand, this book offers a combination of practical proposals and philosophy, which offers guidance that facilitate understanding and accepting their transgender children. Apparently, this book commences with a discussion of crucial terminologies and an overview of the broad range of issues (Brill and Pepper, 2). It is evident that, this book lays substantial emphasis on love, whereby these authors urge parents to navigate a course that offers a chance for supporting and offering unconditional love to their children. This book provides the reader a substantial solution to ordinary problems such as offering recommendations to parents in playing a role of answering questions from strangers. On the other hand, the book offers a basis of addressing various challenges; for instance, there are sample letters provided for parents to revise. In fact, these letters are vital for recognizing the status of child, and this is carried by the child and presented to the authorities. The book offers quotations from different parents, children and members of the society concerning their real-life viewpoint; in fact, offers education and guidance on health care professionals who deal with transgender issues and gender variant children (Keen, 43). Therefore, the book recognizes and acknowledges different challenges faced by transgender and gender-variant children; in fact, the authors proposed that families with transgender and gender variant children are expected to offer advocacy and parenting to their children. â€Å"Transgender 101: a simple guide to a complex issue†

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Global Perspective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Global Perspective - Essay Example The military power which both the US and the USSR accumulated, most especially weapons of mass destruction, quite effectively dictated the impossibility of their engaging in direct armed conflict. Such a conflict would have led to the deaths of millions upon millions of people, not to mention the probable obliteration of entire cities. At the same time, however, these two nations were adversaries and, because of their ideological differences, disagreements between them were as intense as that between warring nations. The US and the USSR were caught in a war with one another but had to avoid the possibility of this war turning hot.' Accordingly, their conflict assumed the form of a race for industrial development, a contest over the acquisition of satellite states, an arms race and even a space war. They may have avoided direct military confrontation but they quite often engaged in indirect warfare through proxy states, as in the Vietnam War or the first Afghanistan War, to name but two examples. Indeed, they divided the world between them. As may have been inferred from the foregoing argument, the United States and the Soviet Union were in a war with one another and the conflict between them was as contentious and as dangerous as any which had ever unfolded between two nations.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Are traffic cameras an invasion of privacy Assignment

Are traffic cameras an invasion of privacy - Assignment Example Before they can drive they are required to have a driving license and by acquiring this document they are abiding by the traffic rules which state that an individual will not drive past a red light. The US circuit court of appeal ruled in a case in 2009 that ‘no one has a fundamental right to run a red light or avoid being seen by a camera on a public street’ (Parveen Idris v. City of Chicago Illinois, 2009). In the event that a driver does this the camera is part of the traffic surveillance system and thus is programmed to capture the image of the offender. The driver will have broken traffic rules. According to the Insurance Institute for highway safety driving is regulated by law and the cameras only capture the people on the wrong side of the traffic rules. They capture the license plate of the vehicle or in other cases as permitted by the law they may be allowed to capture the image of the driver (IIHS, 2011). The law also states that it will be considered an intrusion of privacy if any individual is captured without them knowing (BBB Inc, 2010). In this instance the drivers are always aware that there are cameras installed on highway intersections and in case they cross under a red light they will be captured by the camera. Because they understand the existence of the camera and why it is placed there this cannot be considered an intrusion of privacy unless the camera has been placed there to monitor their activities in the vehicle which is not the case. In many public places there are cameras placed for security purposes, they record people and activities but this is done when the people are aware they are being recorded. In Canada for example the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents act states that unless in very extreme circumstances such surveillance is considered legal when the people who are being monitored are aware that

Monday, August 26, 2019

I wore a mask, and my face grew to fit it Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

I wore a mask, and my face grew to fit it - Essay Example I was lucky because I have very supporting parents. However, reflecting back on those experiences, I could say that those were the times when I wore a mask. Wearing a mask means not showing my real feelings but feigning them just to please my parents. Every good child wishes for his/her parents to be happy. In order to make them happy, one would normally do things that would please one’s parents and make them proud. For example, a child would study hard, aim for good marks, or aspire for the most valuable player award. To please my parents, I wore a mask to be what my parents expected me to be. During times I felt weak and afraid, I wore that mask of courage and aggressiveness. When I felt longing to hide at my father’s back on the first day of school, I wore a mask of confidence to avoid disappointing him. When I felt like sinking in my mother’s lap, I wore a mask of strength to perform an oratorical speech in school. In fact, I have worn many masks in many places just to make my parents feel proud. The mask allowed me to be the person my parents wanted me to be and to bring out the best in me. At first, the mask felt rather unfit and too tight, but as I wore it, it felt comfortable to use, it was as if my f ace grew to fit it. Using the mask that my parents caused me to wear has made me the person that I am right now, full of courage, strength and goals. The mask allowed me to discover my capabilities and talents. If I did not wear it in grade school, I would have been ostracized. If I do not wear it today, I will not gain acceptance in the university, and will not have the means to achieve my dreams. The mask has allowed me to exist in the present world, where other mask wearers like me exist ( It has gained me appreciation and respect not only from my parents but also from other people around me: my teachers, classmates, friends, and neighbors. The

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Critically evaluate, in relation to the common law duty of care, the Essay - 10

Critically evaluate, in relation to the common law duty of care, the liability of employers for references. How, if at all, does - Essay Example Along these lines it is essential for the petitioner to secure that the litigant owed them a duty of care. The presence of a duty of care hinges on, upon the sort of misfortune and distinctive legitimate tests, applying to diverse misfortunes. This address recognizes the position in connection to particular damage and property harm. Critical Evaluations between a university and an employer in reference provisions Liability of a university such as Sussex in providing reference In the University of Sussex, It has dependably been clear that they owe a general obligation of consideration in planning references for learners. On the other hand, court decisions now make clear that this obligation has a particular legitimate measurement, and that an official may be subject for harms to the subject of a reference if misfortune is brought on to that individual through carelessness. Such obligation might come to fruition through lack of regard on matters of reality or estimation. In this way th ey guarantee that they put a duplicate of the reference you compose on the focal record. For current learners, this means the School record; for ex-people they send it to the Student Systems Office, Sussex House to be documented (Sussex, 2013). They likewise attempt to be reasonable, acknowledging the obligation of consideration owed to both the subject and the beneficiary of the reference, they also guarantee that the reference is genuinely exact and true as they are unequivocally encouraged to ask for, as suitable, the present School document or the filed index from the Student Systems Office and to check your realities as needs be (Sussex, 2013). It is additionally exceptional to note that they attempt however much as could reasonably be expected to oppose demands to compose up unsolicited references particularly when the person has not referred to you as a ref and likewise have halted from phone references as Oral references are effectively mis-interpreted, mis-listened, or misc onstrued (Sussex, 2013). This practice does not contrast much from the act of that of a manager to the procurement of references as is set to be laid out underneath or below. Liability of an employer providing References. There is no legitimate commitment on a boss to provide a reference for an ex-representative. This is liable to administrative prerequisites in certain divisions, for example financial services and where the gatherings have entered into an understanding, for example a bargain assertion under which they have contractually concurred a reference. A management's strategy on whether or not to give a reference needs to be dependable: a choice to provide a reference to some however not all ex-representatives could be discriminatory under the Equality Act 2010 (the Act) if this is linked to ensured qualities (Flint, 2013). Where a superintendent does provide a reference, he/she has a duty of care to the ex-representative and must take sensible care in the readiness of the r eference which must be accurate, correct and reasonable and not give a misleading image. While the given reference does not necessarily have to be comprehensive, it should not be misleading through oversight. A manager may be obligated for careless error where its reference gives an inaccurate impression and in great cases it might likewise be subject in the tort of double

Saturday, August 24, 2019

What role did the theatre play during the Elizabeth Era Research Paper

What role did the theatre play during the Elizabeth Era - Research Paper Example Theatre was a companied with social factors, cultural concepts and political atmospheres which where portrayed through the industry. Theater during the era was crucial in many aspects. Theatre shaped the cultural composition of the then society. The society depends on theatre to position themselves along the social classes existing in the era (Woog 12). The theatre was used to identify the social classes and influenced the cultural composition of people within England. The mode of dressing and language was influenced upon by theater (Elizabethan Costume Page, 2008). Theatre shaped the society based on events at the time. Different genre played different roles in the society. The genre ranged from Drama to comedy. This played part in entertaining the public while at the same time enlightening them on the importance of culture. Language was an integral part in preserving culture hence people associated with theatre as a means of national heritage. The cultural displays in theatre played part in ensuring language and culture was use to shape the way people lived (Woog 13). The royal family played an important role in ensuring that a vast majority embraced theatre. The acknowledgment of writers by the royal government meant that writers become famous. The government was introduced licenses, which were offered to writers. This meant that play writers where protected by the administration. This allowed them to perform their work with the assurance that law protected their work. The government also ensured that the right infrastructure was available. Queen Elizabeth I ensured that the first theatre was build in London. The government then succeeded in uniting the people through art (Woog 8). The government used the theatre to guide its subjects on current. The active involvement of the authority meant that people embraced theater while at the same time provide a way in which play righter developed and presented

Friday, August 23, 2019

Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 16

Economics - Essay Example The UK economy has undergone through very critical evolutionary steps in the 1980s through the implementation of Gower report and the enactment of the subsequent 1986 financial services act (Ellwood, 2002, 565-594). It is acknowledged that these changes are responsible of many developments that the economy has had throughout the late 20th century and the subsequent years in 21st century. This paper therefore focuses on analyzing the critical role that financial services sector play within the UK economy after the Gower report and the financial services act in the late 20th century and subsequent enactment of FSAct in 1986. The Gower report established a platform through which the UK financial sector can provide insights, financial services as well as advise to investors both locally and at the international front. The financial sector specializes in services such as finance and accountancy, banking, financial planning, insurance as well as pension and investments. Over the years that followed the 1980 Gower report, the United Kingdom has moved from the state of passive sale and display of manufacturing produce to become a leading determiner of what is manufactured as well as consumed. The financial services sector shifted the attention of services provide towards retailing and wholesaling industries within the country. Moreover the enactment of the 1986 financial act has been pointed out to have contributed towards increased regulation and compliance requirements within the sector (Llewellyn, 1999, p. 309-316). The importance of such regulation cannot be overlooked as it has the main aim geared toward s consumer protection. Through the act, the industry has been streamlined towards effectiveness in service delivery through overcoming information asymmetry between the service providers and the customers. The importance in regulation is also based on the reason that many institutions are

U08a1 Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

U08a1 Project - Essay Example However, there is a major concern regarding the performance of Tufts Medical Center in the matters relating to comprehensive record keeping for employee injuries while on duty. Also, there have been allegations from nursing bodies that this hospital lacks concern for health and safety of its employees. These are indeed serious charges since employees bulwark services and for most part form the backbone of this institution and perceived detriment to their health and safety. This could have a negative impact on the quality of the medical service which they provide to care-needy patients. In a recent case, it is believed that â€Å"Following complaints filed to OSHA by the Massachusetts Nurses Association, Tufts Medical Center has agreed to pay $5,000 to settle issues in record-keeping. OSHA cited the hospital for failing to properly record employee injuries that occurred on the job, including back strains, broken thumbs, needle-stick injuries, and cuts from sharp objects.† (Altman, 2010, para.1). Perhaps, it is necessary to take a good look at the present system of archiving and recording proceedings relating to injuries of employees while on duty at the Tufts Medical Center. It is necessary to isolate those interventions or health care activities that could jeopardize the health of caregivers like lifting crippled heavy patients on to wheel chairs , exposure to chemicals, fear of contracting serious infections and the emotional stress involved in dealing with patients having psychological and mental illnesses. In this context, it is also necessary to understand and appreciate that the entire skyline of modern medical services has undergone severe paradigm shifts. There has been increased need for state-of-the art specialized novel, expensive medical possibilities and a whole new array of medical interventions that need to be put to effective and productive use by health care professionals and care takers. With

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Hunting essay Essay Example for Free

Hunting essay Essay The morning was cold and dark as I crept through the familiar terrain towards my favorite hunting spot. After getting situated in my tree stand I patiently waited for the woods to light up. As the glowing sun started to rise, nature began to come to life. The birds were chirping, squirrels were out looking for their nuts and I was patiently waiting to see a deer. This was the first day that I got the chance to take my brand new Browning deer rifle into the woods. Not long after greeting the rising sun I heard the familiar and non-mistakable sound of a deer quietly walking through the woods. I could tell it was getting closer so I stealthily picked up my gun and scanned the woods looking for any movement that would give away the position of the deer. Finally I saw him, a good looking six pointer. As I steadied my aim I squeezed the trigger and sent a bullet flying towards him. I knew I made a good shot because the deer tore through the woods for about thirty yards and crashed to his death right beside the creek. After dragging the deer out of the woods I got to brag to the rest of the guys in my hunting club. At the time it was the biggest deer that I had killed and was thrilled with it. We ate lunch then dad and I got the luxury of skinning, gutting and quartering up the deer so that the meat could be put into our cooler. Now that the first deer of the day had been cleaned, it was already time to head back to our stands for the afternoon hunt. As I climbed back into my stand, I once again got situated and pulled up my trusty new deer rifle. Nature was still very active which always makes for a good hunt. I always enjoy just observing nature while I am hunting even if I do not kill anything. About an hour had passed as I began to hear something loudly barging through the woods. It didn’t take long for me to spot the obnoxiously loud group of turkeys. As I glanced over the group of turkeys one of them stuck out like a banana on a plate full of oranges. It was an albino turkey. I wanted to shoot so bad, but at that time of the year turkey season was not in so she luckily got to scratch and dig for food with no worries of harm. After the turkeys made their way to a new spot in the woods I began to calm back down from the exciting encounter with an all-white turkey. I had never seen anything like it before. About an hour before dark nature was dead calm. There were no noises to be heard at all. As a hunter I get the feeling when something is about to happen. It is my sixth sense. After a short time had passed, I would say thirty minutes I heard the soft, carefully placed footsteps that only a deer can make. I looked over my right shoulder and immediately sighted the big bodied whitetail walking towards me through a hardwood thicket. I cautiously stood up and got my gun ready for the shot because I knew this deer had to be a buck due to his enormous body size. I put my scope on the open spot where he should have walked out. When he entered the shooting lane the first thing I saw through my scope was a large set of shining antlers. As my heart began to beat even faster buck fever took over me. I swung my scope to his body and centered the crosshairs dead on his shoulder. I squeezed the trigger once again and made another great shot. The deer dropped right in his track with all four legs tucked in under his body. I was so enthused that I immediately called my dad who answered his phone asking me right off hand what I had killed. Still shaking with excitement I managed to get out the words really big buck, come quick and look at this deer. I rapidly climbed down out of my stand and walked up to the deer with a huge grin on my face. Dad got there shortly after and saw the deer. I honestly think he was happier than I was on my great, successful hunt. We got our four-wheeler and got this deer out of the woods. When the rest of the guys in our hunting club saw the deer they were in awe at the size of it as well. It was a nine point buck with a twenty inch spread and his most unique feature was the five inch drop tine that hung down from his left main beam. This is still my most successful hunting trip yet and I still have the title to the largest deer that has been killed in our hunting club. Since this was the first day that I had taken my brand new Browning a-bolt deer rifle chambered in the 300 wsm cartridge, I gave it the name of ol’ faithful. Still to this day just thinking about that evening puts a huge grin of success on my face.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Project management methodology

Project management methodology An Insight into Project Methodology PRINCE2 (20-Mar-2010) PRINCE is a project Management methodology that expands into projects in controlled Environments. It is a registered trademark belonging to the Office of the Government Commerce (OGC). OGC is an autonomous office of HM Treasury of the United Kingdom. The second major version was released in 1996 as PRINCE2 and has now become a popular standard for project management in the UK. The latest version was released in June 2009 under the name of â€Å"PRINCE2:2009 Refresh†. There are two manuals associated with this version. They are ‘Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2 2009 Edition and ‘Directing Successful Projects with PRINCE2 2009 Edition. The main advantages pertaining to PRINCE2 is the technique of structured approach it provides to project management. It says that a project should have an organized and controlled start, an organized and controlled middle and an organized and controlled end. Basically it implies that things have to be organized and planned before initiation, continue to be organized and controlled and when the project delivers the desired outcome and is completed any loose ends should be tidied up. The PRINCE2 2009 gives definition to 40 separate activities and these are further organized into seven processes. Directing a project is a process that spans from project initiation to closure. This process is managed by the Project Board. The key processes for the Project Board consists of Initiation, Stage Boundaries, providing Ad hoc direction and Project closure. Starting up a Project (SU) is the first process in PRINCE2. It is to make certain that the pre-requisites for initiating the project are prepared. The work done in this process ensures that the information essential for the project team is on hand, the Project Management team is appointed and the Initiation Stage plan is formed. Some of the objectives of Initiating a project (IP) are to decide on the sufficiency of justification to proceed with the project, establishing a stable management basis, Confirmation of Acceptable Business Case, Agreeing on the commitment of resources, Project board taking ownership of the project and ensuring that time and effort are invested wisely. Managing Stage Boundaries (MSB) is process that focuses on providing the Project Board with key decision points such as assurance on the deliverables status, providing information to assess and approve current stage and authorize the continuance into the next stage and record measurements that can serve at a later stage. Controlling a Stage (CS) is a process wherein the Project Manager manages and controls the stage by handling day-to-day management activities. For all the stages activities like authorization of work, gathering information about progress, monitoring changes and reviewing the situation, reporting and taking corrective action are all part of the process. Risk management and Change control being imperative, are on-going integrated inclusions. The main objective of Managing a Product Delivery (MP) is to ensure that planned products are created and delivered as per requirements and quality. The process also ensures on obtain of necessary approvals and assessment of forecasts and work progress. The purpose of the process, Closing a project (CP) is to execute a systematic and controlled closure. The chief work goes towards preparation of input to the Project Board on getting acceptance of closure. The activities consist of checking the extent to which project objectives were met, confirming customer satisfaction and receiving formal acceptance and confirm on the maintenance and post implementation operations. Following this will be the preparation of Lessons Learned Report if any, Project End report and releasing of resources. Planning (PL) is a repeatable process and an important criterion in all other processes. PRINCE2 has a planning framework that is useful for any type of project. This involves studying the need of products, determining the order of production, defining form and content, deciding the activities that are required for the conception and delivery. The PRINCE2 Project Management Roles require a Project Manager, Customer, User and Supplier and also a Project Board consisting of the Customer and someone on behalf of the User and Supplier. The Project Management Techniques followed take care to providing Project Assurance, Project Support and a way to control the impact of changes. PRINCE2 is a proven method for managing projects, but does not guarantee success as successful projects depends largely upon the quality of the whole team. References:

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Role Of The Women Of Hamlet English Literature Essay

Role Of The Women Of Hamlet English Literature Essay The women of William Shakespeares Hamlet appear to be frail, passive figures used as pawns and dying prematurely after the mistreatment of men. However, there is more to Gertrude and Ophelia than meets the eye. Even though Hamlet is certainly not a play based on women, both female characters are more active than their vices and virtues previously lead us to believe. A closer inspection reveals that the true roles these female characters took on had purpose; these women were not as passive as they seem at first glance. Our first perception of Gertrude is  influenced by Hamlets response to learning she has married her brother-in-law after he has murdered her husband.  Hamlet shows anger and disillusionment toward her, believing that she should remain loyal to the memory of his father the king. Yet, there is no evidence that she knows of the murder Claudius has committed. It appears she has allowed herself to be seduced by Claudius, but once again there is no evidence of whether the seduction has taken place before the death of King Hamlet or afterwards. Gertrude finds herself in a position where she is conflicted by the roles different men wish her to play. She feels somewhat guilty about her sons disappointment in her, but feels that she can do nothing about the situation due to her relationship with Claudius. Claudius also has expectations of her, including his wish that she disregard Hamlet and remain loyal only to him. It could be said Gertrude is so fickle she lacks virtue, however, in Act II, scene IV, she shows motherly concern for Hamlets welfare and makes plans to speak with him in her chamber.   After Hamlet accuses her of lust, she does not make excuses for herself; she openly  admits her shortcoming.   What redeems Gertrude is her final act of loyalty to her son.   In the final act, when Claudius pours the poisoned wine, Gertrude claims thirst while reaching for the goblet.   Claudius warns her not to drink; nevertheless, she does, knowing it was poured for Hamlet, and as she dies, she tells  her son  that the drink is poison for him.   In her sacrifice of herself for her son, there is redemption for Gertrudes lust, immaturity, and fickleness.   She has now shown, not passivity, but strength and loyalty. The role of Ophelia is presented as a gentle, loyal, obedient, and young woman who is meant to be the love of Hamlets life, even though he rarely thinks of her or considers her in his plans. Most of the time Hamlet just appears to be cruel to her, as if he is just using her as a pawn, as is so when Ophelia tells her father that Hamlet appears to her to be looking and acting like a crazy man. It seems very likely he is just using Ophelia as part of his plot to get the word out that he is insane. Ophelia is an example of a perfect daughter who obeys her father without argument. Even when she is asked to reject Hamlet whom she believes is the love of her life, she responds subserviently that she will obey, and meets with Hamlet to deceive him. Polonius also uses his daughter for his own reasons, which in this case, is to spy on Hamlet. This actually becomes a turning point in the play. Hamlet reveals his complicated feelings for Ophelia as well as the depth by which he is hurt and betrayed by her. As Ophelia tries to return his gifts his feelings become evident. Hamlet becomes defensive refusing to accept the return, and responds with, I never gave you aught. He then continues to express his anger and disgust with women and humanity as he tells her, Get thee to a nunnery: why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners? This hurts Ophelia mentally as well as physically since he has thrown her around a bit and she expresses this with her own thoughts. Oh, what a noble mind is here oerthrown. The courtiers, soldiers, scholars, eye, tongue, sword; The expectancy and rose of the fair state, The glass of fashion and the mold of form, The observed of all observers, quite, quite down! And I, of ladies most deject and wretched, That sucked the honey of his music vows, Now see that noble and most sovereign reason, Like sweet bells jangled, out of tune and harsh; That unmatchd form and feature of blown youth Blasted with ecstasy: O, woe is me, To have seen what I have seen, see what I see! Basically, Ophelia is saying, Wow, he seemed like such a wonderful guy; before his words to me were so sweet and I let myself fall for him, and now hes gone totally gone around the bend.   Ophelias perfection also becomes her downfall, unfortunately she has no voice nor does she seem to have any obvious heroine qualities; and one thing of interest that comes to mind is her lack of desire to defend herself. Even with all this being said, Ophelias life and death have a profound influence on some of the most important characters in the play, including Hamlet. Her own madness has importance in the play. It gives Ophelia the freedom to do and say what she could not before. She passes out flowers to the court and gives columbine and fennel to Claudius, this is a jab at the king since these flowers were representative of ingratitude and infidelity at the time. This is where she loses her innocence, and this loss of innocence finishes with her eventual suicide. At the time, suicide was a sin against God and people that committed suicide were not allowed a proper funeral. Ophelias innocence is somewhat preserved by allowing her a funeral even though her death was at her own hand. Looking closely, Ophelias role appears to be a precursor for Shakespeare to foreshadow future events. In her opening scene, her brother and father warn her to stop seeing Hamlet. This warning could be said to foretell her future conflict with Hamlet. At the beginning of Act II, when Ophelia rejects Hamlets advances he goes off-the-wall, there are two ways to interpret the scene, one possibility being that after Hamlet warns Horatio and Marcellus that he will put an antic disposition on he acts crazy when meeting with Ophelia to get the word out there that he is mad. Another possibility is that Hamlet was genuinely distraught by Ophelias recent rejection. Anyway you look at it these scenes with Ophelia seem to foreshadow things to come. We begin to realize also that Ophelia is not as passive of a character as originally thought. She is obviously a tool for Shakespeare, but also for Hamlet and Polonius, as the plot thickens around her. After Ophelias death Hamlet is reminded of his deep feelings for her, which had been hidden due to his obsession with vengeance and his lack of trust in women. Ophelias death also deepens Laertes need for vengeance. He already has much reason to kill Hamlet, since Hamlet had murdered his father and driven his sister mad, but Opherlias suicide is that last little push over the edge; that drives and justifies Laertes revenge. As it turns out Ophelia is the common factor that brings together Hamlet and Laertes. She is the reason for their irrational actions, and in a twist of fate, the being that brings them great emotional turmoil. None of this has she done intentionally, yet she becomes her own play within a play. Our focus on Hamlet and his sufferings are set aside, as Ophelias story shocks us when she suddenly breaks, is driven mad, and then commits suicide. To one that simply reads the play and thinks nothing more about it, these women may seem trivial. However, those taking the time to think about Gertrude and Ophelia are rewarded with the knowledge that each of these characters is woven into a role that affects and motivates a main character. They are the characters that passive, as they may seem, actually spur the men in the play to further advance the plays central action. Clearly the roles Gertrude and Ophelia take on are a contribution to the terrible events that occur in Hamlet, making for a perfect dramatic tragedy. Work CitedShakespeare, William. Hamlet, Literature and Its Writers: A Compact Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. 4th ed. Ed. Ann Charters and Samuel Charters. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2007 1252-1354.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Formal Analysis of Galatea 2.2 Essay -- Galatea 2.2 Essays

Formal Analysis of Galatea 2.2  Ã‚   The novel became important in 19th century as the middle-class became more educated and desired entertainment. With the coming of 20th century and its sophisticated technologies, the form of the novel expanded to include science fiction: a genre that combines mankind's awe of new technology and the age-old attribute of fantasy. Writers of science fiction found it necessary to employ the traditional style of the novel in their modern works. This is one of the main points in Richard Powers' "Galatea 2.2". He combines realism of the traditional English novel with fantasy of the future world. "Galatea 2.2"’s fantastic is not a concrete one: the fictional plan appears here to be natural. As an autobiographical novel, the narrative represents the point of view of the narrator who always speaks in first person. He seems to be objective toward himself, and also toward the society that he enters. Through his words, the narration goes fluidly from past to present, but it is actually in the future. It is implementation that almost always makes connections with Powers' past: C. It is also implementation that makes him look to the future. But this is just one level of the narrative: the near future level. This plan has a limited space and time. Its place is the Center in U., and rarely is it passing these boundaries. Its time is also limited: one year, until the Ph.D. test. While one is reading, there is always a feeling of time’s pressure. The second level of the novel, C., is one of love and memory. Here the time seems to be mythic, and space is the world: U. and B . in the States; E. in the Netherlands, etc. The narrator explores both plans with the same close attention, details and intensity. The... ...-last words: ‘Don't stay away too long.’" (329) Also he paraphrases and cites the most significant novels, plays and poems of the past like "Pygmalion", "Tempest", "Don Quixote", "Frankenstein", "Paradise Lost", etc. Each of these connections bring a symbolic texture to the entire work. So who was the center of the plot: Powers, AI or C.? Who ultimately won? And where are the infamous "last-words"? This novel in its ambiguity and realism, leaves us with a sense that this story will go on and in some strange way we want to be a part of it. It takes us from a past real world to the fiction of the future where "The brain is wider than the sky" and "deeper than the sea" (Epigraph); and fact and fiction "differ [...]/ As syllable from sound." (Epigraph, 11-12). Work Cited Powers, Richard. Galatea 2.2. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. 1996      

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Inventions :: Technological Scientific Advancement

Stepping into the 21st century, almost everybody is living on the edge of technological and scientific advancements. Many inventions and discoveries have been made by so many great minds whose purposes were to make our life always better than before. Ever since the beginning of all mankind, humans have always had the ambition to improve their life. From that ancient time to the present, we can’t list all of our discoveries and inventions. Each of them is very important and helped making our life better. Among these, three most important inventions that define our life in the 21st century are automobile, computer, and music.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dated back even to the ancient time, transportation has always been a very important thing. Back then, ships were the only mean of transportation for human to travel from one place to another. It was a great method of transportation and even used until today. In the 1800s, human saw the emergence of train as the primary method of transportation on land. But the greatest thing was yet to come. Automobiles came to life in late 1800s and begin to shape people’s life so differently that it defined the new era from the past. In the 1900s, Ford made automobiles a lot cheaper and this mean transportation for everybody to everywhere. No longer human had to be restricted to single route for the masses. Each family can now own an automobile and can go anywhere the roads permit anytime they want. This is a new sort of freedom for each individual. They don’t have to gather to one place at a specific time, going to the same destination as in the past. This kind o f freedom is the stuff that defines the modern world. Take away the automobile and imagine how our life will be. Will 21st century be 21st century if we don’t have the freedom to traverse from point A to point B?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Automobiles have given people the mean of transportation, but in 1940s a new inventions was made. Computers came to the world and have completely taken the whole world to a new different level. Modern age wouldn’t be modern age if it wasn’t for the computers. Invented in 1945, but came into our life in less then 20 years, computers have changed the way people live. Nobody would refuse the fact that computers have blended themselves into our life. Inventions :: Technological Scientific Advancement Stepping into the 21st century, almost everybody is living on the edge of technological and scientific advancements. Many inventions and discoveries have been made by so many great minds whose purposes were to make our life always better than before. Ever since the beginning of all mankind, humans have always had the ambition to improve their life. From that ancient time to the present, we can’t list all of our discoveries and inventions. Each of them is very important and helped making our life better. Among these, three most important inventions that define our life in the 21st century are automobile, computer, and music.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dated back even to the ancient time, transportation has always been a very important thing. Back then, ships were the only mean of transportation for human to travel from one place to another. It was a great method of transportation and even used until today. In the 1800s, human saw the emergence of train as the primary method of transportation on land. But the greatest thing was yet to come. Automobiles came to life in late 1800s and begin to shape people’s life so differently that it defined the new era from the past. In the 1900s, Ford made automobiles a lot cheaper and this mean transportation for everybody to everywhere. No longer human had to be restricted to single route for the masses. Each family can now own an automobile and can go anywhere the roads permit anytime they want. This is a new sort of freedom for each individual. They don’t have to gather to one place at a specific time, going to the same destination as in the past. This kind o f freedom is the stuff that defines the modern world. Take away the automobile and imagine how our life will be. Will 21st century be 21st century if we don’t have the freedom to traverse from point A to point B?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Automobiles have given people the mean of transportation, but in 1940s a new inventions was made. Computers came to the world and have completely taken the whole world to a new different level. Modern age wouldn’t be modern age if it wasn’t for the computers. Invented in 1945, but came into our life in less then 20 years, computers have changed the way people live. Nobody would refuse the fact that computers have blended themselves into our life.

Paul Muldoon: Biography and Essay :: essays research papers

Oxford and Princeton University professor Paul Muldoon was born in County Armagh, Northern Ireland in 1951 and has been touted as â€Å"the most significant English-language poet born since the second World War† by The Times Literary Supplement. He has also won numerous and prestigious national awards. Therefore, it may come as a surprise to learn that Muldoon grew up in a home with very few books. â€Å"Believe it or not,† he writes, â€Å"the only reading material we had in the house was The Junior World Encyclopedia, which I read and reread as a child. Other books must have come from the local lending library†¦ but the Encyclopedia was my text of texts.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Muldoon, who is married with two children, has written eight volumes of poetry in addition to many chapbooks, plays and children’s books. His first collection of poems, New Weather, was published in 1973 and his most recent book, Hay, was published in 1998.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As a child, Muldoon began writing poems to get around a teacher’s weekly essay assignment. From there, he says, he just kept on writing. Of the process of writing, he says, â€Å"I do absolutely think of it as a mystical experience.† Muldoon is a poet who is obsessed with the details of the world, and this is evident in his poetry, particularly in the poems of his that I read. I chose to research Paul Muldoon for no particular reason. I don’t particularly like poetry; I can recognize a good and a bad poem, but I can’t for the life of me write one. I prefer to say what I mean, mean what I say, and leave little room for interpretation. Sometimes I think that poets take the easy way out by writing ambiguously about dinosaurs, and then people read and think that the poet is really talking about social injustice or sending their child off to the first day of school, when in fact, the poet just really likes dinosaurs. Sometimes I think that if I wrote a simple sentence about, say, a red wheelbarrow, and chopped it up into lines and told people it was very deep, they’d be impressed. And so that’s why I chose Paul Muldoon. I read a few poems of his, could understand pretty well what they were about, liked how they sounded, and enjoyed that a respectable poet ended a line with â€Å"the.† Plus, I was running short on time.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Big Time Essay

Today, more and more researchers are interested in estimating the absolute divergence in income distribution in developed and developing countries. And Lant Pritchett is no exception. In his â€Å"Divergence, Big Time† he shows that actual historical statistics are not needed for estimating the ratio of income in the richest and the poorest countries. As far as researchers pay thorough attention to literature on economic growth, Pritchett finds it important to discuss the phenomenon of conditional convergence. The key argument is that economies with low-level incomes have the tendency to develop faster than economies with higher-income levels. Pritchett argues that lack of reliable historical data on per capita income hinders estimations of long-run convergence. Nonetheless, in his research his proves that divergences can be estimated without historical data. Development of modern economic history is attributed to estimations of divergence in productivity and living standards across the countries. I agree with Pritchett that the tendency has gained wider attention as economists and analysts should be provided with proper knowledge of why the poorer countries grow faster, why they recover faster from crisis, etc. Economists should be provided with full scene of what is happening globally, why growth rates are different and what constitutes economic development. Pritchett argues that income in developing countries has fallen, whereas the income in developed countries has significantly increased increasing the gap between the rich and the poor. In particular, long-run economic growth has increased in developed countries, their growth rates remain similar to developing countries, whereas developing countries have the tendency to grow faster to balance convergence in absolute income levels. Interestingly, developing countries are often referred to as the other set of countries, but I can’t agree with such definition because some of the East Asian countries as, for example, China and Japan are swiftly developing and they are very likely to replace the most developed countries within the next years. Of course, in the end of the 19th century economic development in less developed countries was significantly lower, but today the situation has changed. Pritchett notes that, on average, the growth rates in developing countries are slower contributing to divergence in relative incomes. Nevertheless, Pritchett is right when stating that developed countries are marked by different patterns of growth. Further, Pritchett cites one of the modern economists, Gerschenkron, who argues that the idea of ‘advantage of backwardness’ stimulates developing countries to experiences episodes of rapid economic growth driven by increased productivity. I agree with researchers as there are many examples of individual developing countries that have illustrated rapid growth as China, for example. Of course, the most of the backward countries have practically no chances to become world leaders. Historical researches claim that such cases are rare. Nevertheless, poorer countries are provided with the potential of economic growth, but strong forces of stagnation and lack of proper resources hinder economic development. Implosive decline is observed in countries, where society is disintegrated failing to gather economic statistics. Pritchett’s claim that backwardness carries disadvantages is valid. The key challenge is how to overcome disadvantaged posted by stagnation and backwardness. Pritchett concludes that growth theories try to related economic growth to world’s experience. Economic growth in developed and developing countries depends on the level of technological progress, per capita growth, and other internal and external factors. The author is interested in revealing why some countries are developing rapidly, whereas others are fading and loosing rapid growth. In my opinion, the issues raised in the article are important for modern economic history as the author contributes to understanding the reasons of economic growth. He says that divergence in income levels contributes to hindering economic development. However, the key finding is that the poorer countries have the tendency to grow faster. Works Cited Pritchett, Lant. Divergence, Big Time. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 11, 3 (1997); pp. 3-17.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Ways of Forming Words

WAYS OF FORMING WORDS Compounding is the word formation process in which two or more words combine into a single new word. Compound words may be written as one word or as two words joined with a hyphen. Shortening is the word formation process in which a word is reduced or shortened without changing the meaning of the word. Blending is the word formation process in which parts of two or more words combine to create a new word whose meaning is often a combination of the original words. Affixing is the word formation process in which a prefix, suffix or infix attaches to the base form of a word to create a new word.Back-formation is the word formation process in which an actual or supposed derivational affix detaches from the base form of a word to create a new word. (SIMPSONS EXAMPLE: BILLBOARD FOR ‘TONIGHT – WRITERS ON WRITING, TOMORROW – JANITORS ON JANITING’) Conversion is the word formation process in which a word of one grammatical form becomes a word o f another grammatical form without any changes to spelling or pronunciation. Abbreviation is the word formation process in which a word or phrase is shortened.Intialisms are a type of abbreviation formed by the initial letters of a word or phrase. Acronyms are words formed by the word formation process in which an initialism is pronounced as a word. Eponyms are words formed from the name of a real of fictitious person. Coinage is the word formation process in which a new word is created either deliberately or accidentally without using the other word formation processes and often from seemingly nothing. Borrowing is the word formation process in which a word from one language is borrowed directly into another language.Calquing is the word formation process in which a borrowed word or phrase is literally translated from one language to another. Commonisation is the process of a product’s brand-name becoming the generic term for that product. Here are some examples of each of t hese ways of forming words. Next to each one write the method that has been used. There is one example for each method. Word Method 1. AIDSAcronym (Since the initialism is pronounced like a actual word already. *other examples, scuba, laser 2. AlgebraBorrowing (from Greek) 3.Band-aidCommonisation for a stick-on gauze pad or strip 4. Break-upCompounding 5. DisappearAffixing 6. ExamShortening 7. Flea market -Calquing since it’s translated literally from marche aux puces in Paris, so-called â€Å"because there are so many second-hand articles sold of all kinds that they are believed to gather fleas. 8. Microwave (noun) – Microwave (verb)-Conversion (from the grammatical form of a noun to a verb) 9. MotelBlending (motor + hotel) 10. NylonCoining 11. RSVPAbbreviation 12. SandwichEponym (from Earl Sandwich) 13. TeleviseBackformation from television

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Reflection Paper on Sensory Evaluation

Corook, Mark Lester F. 2009-17733 FS 131 – Reflection Paper The journal article â€Å"Sensory food science in the changing society: Opportunities, needs, and challenges† written by Hely Tuorila and Erminio Monteleone is about the trends in sensory food science showing its history and its evolution over the past 15-20 years. The progress in research methods and instruments were also presented in the article. Also, it talked about the significance of sensory evaluation to the food industry, and the future opportunities and challenges in the field.The topic was a good one and is relatable to FS 131. As a Food Technology student, this article is of great help on appreciating the course and the role of sensory food science to the industry. According to Tuorila and Monteleone, sensory food science has extensive function to food production and marketing – no food or beverage is worth producing and marketing without at least an approximate idea of the acceptability of it s sensory quality. I strongly believe this statement since I think that consumer perceptions are highly relevant to commercial success of foods and beverages.By reading the article, I realized that sensory evaluation is of great value to both the tactical and strategic research goals of the food industry. A brief history of the field was also presented in the paper. Pangborn (1989) stated that sensory food science evolved from the need for scientifically sound sensory evaluation of foods. By reading this journal, I realized that sensory evaluation is really related to the behavioural sciences, such as psychology, and to biology, nutrition and heath sciences.I also realized that sensory evaluation functions like chemical, physical and microbiological characterisation of products. As I read the trends in the field, I realized that the research methods have grown immensely. I read from the article that for sensory evaluation to be scientifically sound, many skills and training are requ ired. But sadly, not all of us appreciate this fact. New methods and instruments were summarized in a big table. It can be seen that computers played an important part on the progress of these methods.They are very important since they make data entry more convenient and less prone to errors. Also, internet is also an essential part of the development due to its use in data collection for various sensory tests (home use tests, online FGDs). I recognized the potential of the discipline to enhance liking for healthy foods. â€Å"New foods for the weight control market naturally require sensory testing and consumer acceptance research. † Also, I believed that sensory research is a necessary tool in defining optimal sensory properties of a product. I realized the significance of sensory evaluation to catering services.Sensory evaluation can be utilized to gather systematic sensory information across cultural preferences and to define acceptable options. Thus, the discipline helps in understanding the character of cuisines of different populations, which is very essential for businesses. Also, through reading the paper, I realized that there are great opportunities for sensory research and that in our changing society, new issues relevant to sensory science are likely to emerge. Thus, I see the need for high level basic training and opportunities for college students to specialize in the field, and proper funding for sensory research.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Gun Ownership Essay

KENNESAW, Ga – Several Kennesaw officials attribute a drop in crime in the city over the past two decades to a law that requires residents to have a gun in the house. In 1982, the Kennesaw City Council unanimously passed a law requiring heads of households to own at least one firearm with ammunition. The ordinance states the gun law is needed to â€Å"protect the safety, security and general welfare of the city and its inhabitants.† Then-councilman J.O. Stephenson said after the ordinance was passed, everyone â€Å"went crazy.† â€Å"People all over the country said there would be shootings in the street and violence in homes,† he said. â€Å"Of course, that wasn’t the case.† In fact, according to Stephenson, it caused the crime rate in the city to plunge. Kennesaw Historical Society president Robert Jones said following the law’s passage, the crime rate dropped 89 percent in the city, compared to the modest 10 percent drop statewide. â€Å"It did drop after it was passed,† he said. â€Å"After it initially dropped, it has stayed at the same low level for the past 16 years.† Mayor Leonard Church was not in office when the law was passed, but he said he is a staunch supporter of it. â€Å"You can’t argue with the fact that Kennesaw has the lowest crime rate of any city our size in the country,† said Church, who owns a denture-making company in Kennesaw. The author of the ordinance, local attorney Fred Bentley Sr., attributes at least some of the decrease in crime to the bill. â€Å"I am definitely in favor of what we did,† he said. â€Å"It may not be totally responsible for the decrease, [but] it is a part.† Although he is pleased with the outcome, Bentley said he was originally opposed to drafting the law. â€Å"I didn’t think it could be written in a constitutional fashion,† he said. â€Å"Obviously, it was constitutional, because the American Civil Liberties Union challenged it in court and we won.† Jones said the ACLU challenged the law in a federal court just after it was passed. In response, the city added a clause adding conscientious objectors to the list of those exempt. Although the law is now being credited with a drop in crime, Jones said that was not the law’s original purpose. He also pointed out that Kennesaw did not have a big problem with crime before. â€Å"The crime rate wasn’t that high to start with. It was 11 burglaries per 1,000 residents in  1981,† he said. According to the Kennesaw Police Department, the city’s most recent crime statistics show 243 property crimes per 100,000 residents in 1998, or .243 per 1,000. The city’s crime rate continues to be far below other metro Atlanta city’s with similar populations, like Decatur. In 1998, Decatur recorded 4,049 property crimes per 100,000 residents. Jones said one motivation for the council passing the ordinance had to do with publicity. â€Å"It was done in response to a law passed by Morton Grove, Ill., outlawing gun ownership within the city limits,† he said. â€Å"Several council members were upset Morton Grove had gotten a lot of attention with their ordinance so they decided to top them. â€Å"They figured the gun ownership ordinance would knock that city right off the front pages. They were right.† Jones said the ensuing publicity surrounding the law has given Kennesaw worldwide name recognition. â€Å"I have been to Australia and Europe and when I tell people I am from Kennesaw they recognize the name as the place that requires everyone to own a gun,† he said. But Stephenson said the issue was not pub licity-driven but issue-driven. â€Å"We believed in the right of people to own guns,† he said. Jones said he has sold 550 copies of a 1994 book about the first-of-its-kind law, â€Å"The Law Heard ‘Round the World.† He said the law in its final form has many loopholes, so not everyone is required to own a gun. â€Å"There are many outs,† he said. â€Å"When you look at it, almost anyone could fit into one of the exempted groups.† Kennesaw Police Chief Dwaine Wilson said no one has ever been prosecuted under the ordinance. Among those exempt are residents â€Å"who conscientiously oppose maintaining firearms as a result of beliefs or religious doctrine.† Others exempt include the physically and mentally disabled, paupers and those convicted of a felony. The law contains no clause addressing punishment for violating the law. If convicted, City Clerk Diane Coker said punishment would be determined by the general penalty clause of the Kennesaw Code Ordinance – probably a fine of about $100. Jones said the unusual law has not deterred anyone from moving to Kennesaw. â€Å"Our population has increased just like everyone’s in Georgia in the past 20 years,† he said. â€Å"The law really hasn’t done any harm to the city’s growth.† The city’s population in 1998 was recorded at 14,493 – a sharp increase over the 8,936 residents recorded in the 1990 census. C obb Chamber of Commerce president Bill Cooper said odd laws are typically not counted as strike against a city when a business is looking to relocate.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"These laws don’t have laws don’t have an impact on a company’s decision to move to Cobb County,† Cooper said. â€Å"Many communities have strange laws that are out of date. Businesses look at many factors when relocating, such as quality of life, education, infrastructure and available workforce.† Bentley said the law actually may have helped business development. â€Å"Kennesaw is home to more manufacturing businesses than any other Cobb city,† he said. â€Å"Companies have said they want to be located in conservative areas.† And Kennesaw isn’t the only city in Cobb with an unusual law on the books. According to Jeff Koon, who runs a Web site specializing in funny laws,, Acworth has an ordinance requiring residents to own a rake. In Marietta, it is illegal to spit from a car or a bus, but perfectly legal to spit from a truck.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Management strategy and policy research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Management strategy and policy - Research Paper Example The net revenue of the company in the financial year 2011 was $701.29 million, which reflects a reflecting a strong financial situation of the company. Aramex is a publicly traded joint stock company registered under United Arab Emirates laws and its shares are traded in Dubai financial market. The company is currently headquartered at Amman, Jordan and has its business wings spread all over the world. The organizational structure of the company is well defined and is managed along two tracks - 1) by service 2) geographically, with the help of, country managers, regional senior managers and cross?functional country?based‘Aramexteams’ that is providing harmonization of all Aramex services on a modified basis to Aramex customers (â€Å"About Aramex†). The organizational structure of the company is presented below: - Organizational structure of Aramex and how it impacts the design and implementation of Strategy Figure 1 – Corporate management Structure of Aram ex (Source: Aramex, â€Å"Sustainability Report 2006† 8) The above chart clearly points out about the departments or divisions of the organization. In addition, the chart also sheds light on the way Aramex is carrying out and managing its business functions. Presently the company has 4 major departments namely marketing, IT (information technology), finance and the operations departments. Each of the departments is being headed by the VP’s (Vice Presidents). From the organizational chart it has also observed that the company has appointed VP’s in different location. Most of them are responsible for managing the operation of the allotted areas. The structure followed by the company is therefore clearly divisional structure. However, these VP’s do not report to any of the departmental heads, rather they directly reports to the CEO of the company. Apart from them, other business heads such as the chief technology officer, chief marketing officer, group finan cial controller, Sr. VP finance and CFO, VP logistics and ground operation, Sr. VP cargo, VP express, chief strategy office, vice president, as well as the in front managing director. Hence, it is obvious that the company has been able to streamline its business process with this organizational arrangement. On the contrary, if the arrangement wouldn’t have been appropriate the performance of the company was sure to be negatively impacted. However, the financial results of the company clearly points out that the company is doing well in the market place. The flat and decentralized management structure of the organization is one of the key drivers of success for the company. The simple and flexible structure of the organization has allowed them to empower the employees of the organization and also make decision pertaining to the enhancement of the company’s service offerings irrespective of the location of the organization and the level at which they are operating (Arame x, â€Å"the age of entrepreneur† 4). Nevertheless, a number of studies reveal that the organizational structure has a strong impact on the design, formulation and implementation of the organizational strategies. Organizational strategy and structure are highly related as the organizational strategy of a company helps them to describe, identify and build the organizational structure. This is the reason why the organizational structure of a company is based on the outcome of the analysis of the

Monday, August 12, 2019

Study of Social Networks users types, models, and effect of new Article

Study of Social Networks users types, models, and effect of new features using pattern recogniton and data classification techniques - Article Example Social networking users are generally classifies into six types. These types of users are classified based on their personality and its types. The various types of social networking users are essentialist, transumers, connectors, scene-breakers, collaborators and entrepreneurs. The essentialists are people who make use of the social networking sites to be in contact with their family and friends. The next category, transumers are people those who adhere to the trends. These people implement the latest improvements and innovations in the technology. Connectors are the next category of users who look out for creative trends and other unique features of the social networking sites. Around 10 percent of the social networking users are classified as connectors. Scene-breakers are the next category of users who are interested in learning new concepts. They are regular browsers in the social networking sites and they communicate their talent to the other users in the social networking sites . Another set of users are collaborators who work for the integration of users to create and explore new projects. They form a group to create and develop new events and they are knows as online traders. The basic social networking models rely on the presentation of each and every user. Then the relationship among the other users are established which enables the user to find the person whom he intends to. The advancements in the technologies are used in ... II. FEATURES The social networking sites incorporate various new features and implement the latest updates on their sites. The advancements in the technologies are used in the development and improvement of social networking sites like facebook, linkedin and orkut. The features of such social networking sites include creating personal profiles, user images and the communication with the help of text. The networking sites allow the users to create personal profiles with their name, date of birth, location and their personal interests. This enables the other users to easily identify a particular person in the networking site. The next best feature is the ability to upload personal images that helps others to easily find and track the person whom they are searching for. The most important feature of a social networking site is that it facilitates the users to send messages in the form of text, graphics and sounds. This makes the communication process much easier. The objective of a social networking site is to establish connectivity among the people and to communicate with them in a hassle free manner. With the advent of such social networking sites a user can interact, communicate, perform an activity and form groups which are referred to as communities. II. DATA CLASSIFICATION TECHNIQUES Apart from these common features several other features are introduced using the data classification techniques. The data classification techniques classify the data by dividing them into quantiles, equal intervals and natural breaks. The social networking sites implement these data classification techniques to classify the information regarding the users [3]. The users are classified based on their way

Critically evaluate the proposition that states are the worst Essay

Critically evaluate the proposition that states are the worst perpetrators of terror ( criminology) - Essay Example State crime is treated as a response or a consequence to the incidence of threats to national security, insurgent violence or a phenomenon that is endemic to the transitional and the third world countries (Ross 2000, p3). State crime is infiltrative and is committed in varying degrees by all countries in the world. The state is considered as the initiator rather than the target or the mediator of the crime. Despite the fact that the private institutions hold more forcible power, the state still holds the special legal authority to compel to do something (Ross 2000, p3). State crimes include homicide, sexual assault, crimes of violence, serious assaults, torture, kidnapping, embezzlement, bribery, all forms of corruption and economic crime. The magnitude of such crimes is sometimes very big and ordinary words like murder become inadequate and they are replaced by terms like genocide. Some of the most serious crimes in the world are committed by the state. This paper will critically evaluate state crimes in light of its seriousness in various occasions. Corruption can be described as the abuse of the public office for personal gain and the abuse of the public power for personal benefit. The World Bank defines corruption as the abuse of the public office for personal or private gain. The Transparency international defines corruption as the abuse of delegated for personal or private gain. Corruption is a form of behaviour that deviates from the official duties of the public role (Stachowicz-Stanusch 2010, p132). Corruption can be either be passive or active and this is dependent on the person to whom it is being requested or the person who has the power of decision making. Corruption can be private among certain individuals. Public corruption happens in the public sphere of government administration and politics (Stachowicz-Stanusch 2010, p132). Some examples of corruption include collusion, bribery, fraud, embezzlement of public funds, theft, abuse of

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Questiona and Answer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Questiona and Answer - Essay Example Illustrators also often resort to research in the early stages of the illustrative process. They usually do background research of the elements involved in the story and deeply understand them in order to better tell the story in picture. The next procedure would be the storyboards, design and layout, where the illustrator arranges the sequence and the blending of the text and the illustrations in order to have the most potent story-telling effect and to highlight and emphasize certain parts where highlighting is needed. Ansty & Bull (2000) noted that the illustrative process is rather full of interaction from many people along the way, and not only isolated to the illustrator. He consults among many individuals and are also critiqued and constructively evaluated by others before the final output is done. This step is essential especially with the involvement of an editor wherein he knows what might be good or what might be detrimental in the ultimate goal of the story, which is to sell. Going back to the illustrator, it is important to consider how he views and is aware of his target audience for the illustrations. He must be sensitive to the orientation of the readers and on how he portrays them or how he expresses it to them in a manner appropriate. 1. The illustrative process is likened to the writing process because of the way it does not follow strict guidelines and sequences of stages in order to make the desired outcome, but they nonetheless adhere to the same overall process. Writing is the ability to articulate to share and influence the thoughts with others (The Writing Process, 2007), in like manner, illustrating is not so far off in that concept. 2. In writing a story board, first, one needs to consider the message that is the overall concept in the story. In this case, in the story of Cinderalla, it’s about

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Dollar Tree Case Vs. Gerber Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Dollar Tree Case Vs. Gerber Case - Essay Example The Gerber study clearly sets out at the outset the triggering factor that has propelled the Company to consider its options in poor countries. This triggering incident is the negative impression it has gained by refusing to comply with Venezuelan laws on the marketing of baby foods. The motivation of the Company in targeting bottom-of-the-pyramid customers in Chad is to successfully market its products in a difficult country and thereby prove its mettle and negate the unfavorable impression that currently exists. The motivation for Dollar Tree’s strategy to market its products in Haiti is not established at the outset, neither is it clearly set out during the course of the narrative. A triggering event is not clearly set out, although there is mention in the study of political instability in the country coupled with the spiraling prices that also provide scope for marketing of low cost products to customers in Haiti. The structure of the study could have been improved by pointing to a clear triggering event, for example the recent global recession, which has been pushing prices upwards. This could have been supplemented with the figures on recent sales. For example, Dollar Tree’s third quarter sales have increased by 11.6% from $997.8 in the last year’s fiscal third quarter to $1.11 billion this year. ( By focusing upon these acts and figures and illustrating them graphically, an analysis should have then been provided as to potential reasons to explain such a jump in sales during a time where a recession may well be developing in the United States. It appears very likely that the jump in sales is the shift in consumer buying from higher priced outlets to Dollar Tree’s products, all of which sell at a dollar each. This is the unique selling point of Dollar Tree, which should have been capitalized upon in the study, to

Friday, August 9, 2019

Marketing Management Class Discussion wk1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Marketing Management Class Discussion wk1 - Essay Example Branding is vital for mineral water, as one may copy products and a place on quality. The main distinct factor that may distinguish the mineral water from other brands. Specialists in marketing urge that any given product (Douglas, 2010) For instance, water can get branded viably. The wellspring of the water gives us a decent establishment to differentiation if youre going to take advantage of the brand society; you begin with the peculiarity of the source The main proposition within branding the product is to make sure is recognized and identified easily within the market. This will ensure there is a mass loyalty in reference to quality and trust of the customers. It is vital to portray positive reaction of the product within the target market and the buyer.The item, product and, a physical item offered to the market is bottled mineral water. In regards to physical items, it likewise alludes to any product or service that is a piece of the advertising. Item choices incorporate viewpoints, for example, appearance, bundling, administration, guarantee, and so forth (Douglas, 2010) the pricing of the product and the estimations should be affordable to the target buyers. Valuing incorporates the rundown cost, as well as rebates, financing, and different alternatives, for example, renting. The place where the mineral water will be sold includes to wholesalers and retailers in the. Spot (or position) choices are those connected with channels of distribution that serve as the methods for getting the mineral water the water to the target clients. In conclusion, for the mineral water to be used within the entire market, the manager should deploy great marketing concepts, starting from communication, production, advertising, distribution, and brand positioning and customer retention. The manager should also apply the marketing mix to ensure the mineral water penetrates the market. Furthermore, the information about competitors and how to deal

Thursday, August 8, 2019

The Gadget I Cannot Live Without - Process Analysis Essay

The Gadget I Cannot Live Without - Process Analysis - Essay Example It's constantly connected to the internet so I can easily do informative searches whenever I need to. Lately, I have been using its navigation features a lot as I travel the city and try to get around traffic. It even has a compass installed for those times when I am hiking in the woods and feeling like I have lost the path. Needless to say, my android phone has become more than just a mobile phone. It is my security blanket, my life preserve. In fact, I am now wondering how I ever got along in life without it. It would be impossible for me to go on with my life without my Samsung Galaxy Y phone. Upon closer inspection by the repairman, he informed us that the machine was working fine with a slight problem. My mother incredulously asked him, â€Å" How can it be working fine if it has a slight problem?† The repair guy went on to explain that there was nothing wrong with the machine work-wise, it just had a part that was aging and that was causing the ruckus we were hearing dur ing the spin cycle. My mother asked how much it would cost to replace the offensive piece of hardware and was promptly given a price that totally floored her! For a little more, we could own a brand new washing machine and that is exactly what my mother said.  So here we are 5 years after the machine was bought and my mother and I are still waiting for the old clunker to finally break down so that we can buy a new one. But the old one simply refuses to give out. Somehow we managed to make our peace with the neighbors about the noise and learned. how to ignore or mu

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Gazprom One of the Largest Gas Producing Companies of Russia Essay

Gazprom - One of the Largest Gas Producing Companies of Russia - Essay Example UGSS assures steady gas supply from the wellhead to the end user. (, 2008c) d. Processing: Gazprom Group’s processing segment is made up of gas and gas condensate processing plants (GPP), the enterprises of Sibur Holding, and the oil-refining capacities of Gazprom Oil (Sibneft). (, 2008d) e. Power industry: Its strategic task is to become a world scale energy production company with one whole chain – from production to sales – not only gas but also liquid hydrocarbons as well as producing a wide range of end products, electrical power being just one of such. (, 2008e) The global strategy of Gazprom is to become the largest in the world for producing and distributing gas to the entire world so that appropriate amount of utilization of the natural resources can be done. Datamonitor (2007) states that 2006 was the first year after Gazprom’s share market liberalization. During this period, OAO "Gazprom" capitalization increased by over 70 % and amounted to $270 billion at the end of the year. Gazprom has been developing a unique resource base, production capacities and pipeline system. This effort take taken the company as the world’s most reliable energy resource suppliers to enterprises, organizations, and individuals. They are devoted to a specialized and accountable advance towards the development of these resources and the supply of the markets both in Russia and globally. Gazprom is engaged in research and development activities to strategize important energy resources in cooperation with the most successful and responsible international energy companies. This makes them quite strong in their operations base and marks the strength of their strategy for further growth. Gazprom is constantly pursuing its business globalization strategy, and actively increasing the supply to the entire globe for its gas production.  In 2006, the company supplied liquefied natural gas to the UK, Japan and Korea for the first time.  

Banking internarnal analysisl and exte Essay Example for Free

Banking internarnal analysisl and exte Essay Australia’s banking history can be described in four eras, the private banks, the commonwealth banks, the reserve bank and deregulation. Australian’s first bank was founded in 1817, the Bank of New of New South Wales. The main purpose of this bank is to take deposits and re-loaned the money by providing discounts of exchanged. Since there is no central bank, each private bank are taking their own risk and a lot of private banks stood and fall from its credit. As long as the bank’s assets were believed to be credible, its notes were freely accepted until the alarming incident happened. Two Thirds of the total banking Assets in Australia closed because of the failure of fraudulent land banks in Victoria triggered a wholesale run on banks. On the Commonwealth Bank Era, the crisis increased for the formation of central bank which will provide support to other banks backed by the resources from the people. Banking became more controlled with the central bank providing the overdraft rates. The Reserved Bank Era came and the influence of central bank was transferred to the reserved bank. In this time finance companies were growing quickly, the bank can lend on anything from appliances to cars, houses and companies. The investors generated huge profit on interest and fees but this became unsound when they realized that these profits are only papers since most loans were not collected. A lot of banks closed and other banks were taken by their mother company. Between 1982 and 1985 a deregulated system was established, these encourages more competition and banks reduced their rates to establish a market share because of these a number of banks collapsed and a new wave of managers took over the banks and created a system that by charging high rates to their good customers to make out for the losses. Australia’s big banks today have learned their lessons. Two of which are Hsbc bank a bank well known for its strategy to know where the growth is, connect customers, businesses and economies to be successful which will eventually encourage people to realize their ambitions and goals in life and Westpac which is a customer centric bank that provides assurance and confidence to their retails and investment business. Content: Macro environment Factors: PEST Analysis Political and Legal factors The Australian Government policies and the reserved bank of Australia greatly influence the banking sector with its reforms. Australia’s banking system is changed to a variety of measures to promote competition (Treasury, 2013). Reforms such as prohibition of mortgaged fees for home loans; this will encourage the people to avail bank loans. Credit card reforms were also made by the Australian Government to make it easier to credit cardholders to move their financial account to other financial institution. The impact of such is to will stimulate the people to invest. Depending on the situation of the country other policies such regulation of interest rates, prime lending rate and bank market operations are also influenced by the government. Having a control on this financial institution will put the Government in a better position to improve Australia’s economy. Economic factor The Government is aware that being a full time student is challenging enough to worry about money, since it has a control over the bank fees and operation all student account were free of service fees. This will encourage students to open bank accounts and use the facility of the bank without any additional fees. If economical banking is encourage then more deposits will be attracted towards the bank and in return the bank can invest to other financial sector making the economy to rise. Social Factors To adopt a social progress in the banking sector it is important to understand what stimulate people to bank such as economic development, reliable social justice and independent political system. Basically, banks were put up to provide support to those who are economically weaker section of the society and also provide financial assistance to all sectors of the economy with flexible payment terms. Nowadays, the bank provides various types of loans to professionals, working women, traders and students. Banks also have elite clients or huge companies that require a more personalized service. There are additional expenses in doing so but the bank still earns revenue because of the kind of business they bring to the bank. Technology Since the banking sectors are serviced based business, technology plays a vital role in its operation. Today, the banks are aggressively adapting to new technologies in creating new products and services. Because of innovation bankers were encouraged to change the concept of branch banking to anywhere banking. System applications were created for bankers to transact and access their account through their mobile phone. Banks also started to issue debit cards and these cards can be used to pay bills. With all of these innovations, the bank heavily devotes a huge amount of money on security to protect and continue to build confidence to its customers for them to invest more on the banking industry. Firm Level Analysis Porter’s 5 Forces in Bank Industry To help us analyze the banking industry where Westpac and Hsbc belong, an application of Porter’s five forces will be useful. According to these five forces act together to determine whether a business is attractive and profitable enough to enter. The Five forces are: 1) Threat of new forces to the market, 2) The power of suppliers, 3)The rivalry among firms, 4)The power of the customers, 5) Substitutes. An analysis before deciding to enter in an industry is vital because it will determine the success and failure of the business. By identifying if the forces are high and low we can determine if it’s favorable for the firm to enter (Dhillon, 2009) (allan, 2008). Force 1: Threats from new forces to market We can say that this force will be a low associated profit business because putting up a bank requires a huge amount of capital. The owner or every member of the top management or shareholders needs to be checked and verified. Approval of the request to put up the business requires long time (allan, 2008). Force 2: The rivalry among the firms The competition in this industry is high because most of the banks or financial institution are influence by the Government such as exchange rates and inflation rates. If the government passes a law for example an exit fees for home load to be ban. Another example is there are banks who offer free annual fee waivers and no service fees while other banks will not be able to compete because of the size of their business (allan, 2008). Force 3: The power of the suppliers These factors can also be considered under high associated profit industry because in Australia there is only one supplier and that is the Reserved Bank of Australia. These shows how controlled the banking system is. Force 4: The power of the customers The power of the customer is high in this industry because if the customer is not satisfied with the rates or service provided by the, the customer can always request to closed his/her bank account and open an account to other bank that will meet her needs. This is the reason why most of the bank now a days have 24/7 customer service to attend to their customer needs (allan, 2008). Force 5: Substitute products Customers can always invest their money to other financial institution that will suit their needs such as stocks, bonds and mutual funds. Although this institution will not be able to replace the process of cheque clearing that most of the bankers has (allan, 2008). Applying the Porters 5 Forces Model analysis provides us an idea that banking industry is unfavorable to enter since most of the forces scored high. I believe Hsbc will implement a broad based differentiation because for the past two years Hsbcs image was affected with the issues on money laundering and illegal behavior of its employees . The said incidents involved a huge amount of money and a lot of its customers lost their confidence with the world’s local bank. Currently, Hsbc is being cooperative but the impact continues to hurt Hsbcs business. The company have to cut 14000 jobs and sell some of its business that was cost by the lost of trust. With A broad based differentiation approach, Hsbc would be able to provide more attributes that is valued by the customer which is good for long term goals and a disadvantage of this is that it will take time and consistency to gain the confidence of its customers (Telegraph, 2013). One of the strengths of Westpac, is it Leads in terms of number of branches and ATMs in Australia. Applying a cost leadership strategy will be most effective because of the size and structure of the industry. In this way, it will attract more potential customers because of the convenience that it can offer to its customers by having a lot of branches. If Westpac can capitalize its competitive advantage and offer a lower rate other banks will not be able to compete. The downside of this approach is if the government will influence the bank in having fix rates, because the customer would not transfer to Westpac for the same rates (MBASKOOL, 2013). Conclusion: In conclusion, having a better understanding on the external environment and the industry level of the business can give us a clearer picture if it is attractive and favorable enough to enter in a certain industry. The theories are important as these will serve as a guide in our decision making process and what strategic choice would a company or banking industry chooses. It is vital that the strategy that the industry chooses is compatible with its capabilities and resources to increase the chances of the business to be successful. References allan. (2008, March 26). Applying Porters 5 Forces Model to Banking Inudstry . Retrieved October 10, 2013, from Wow Zone: Dhillon, M. (2009, Aigust 15). Scribd. Retrieved October 10, 2013, from Industry Analysis: hsbc. (2013). Retrieved October 10, 2013, from MBASKOOL. (2013). Westpac Bankinng Group. Retrieved October 10, 2013, from